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Improve Your Agency's Profitability

Tailored Operational Consulting for Higher Profit Margins

ServiceCrowd boosts agency growth by diagnosing and addressing the factors impacting profitability. We implement an operating model that guides agencies to profitability targets, setting the stage for structured and sustainable business growth. Here's how we can help you grow your business:

Forecasting Revenue

Get a realistic picture of your near-term revenue so that you can correctly plan your cost of service and operating budgets.

We help you create better invoicing, collection, client onboarding and revenue recognition processes to support an better view into your future monthly revenue.

Optimizing Service Staffing

Fine-tune your service team to meet evolving client demands and figure out how to staff to meet your profit targets.

We create better, more efficient processes for capacity planning and utilization management to ensure that you understand the impact of revenue and staffing changes across your agency. 

Improving Client Value

Happy clients purchase more services.

We implement processes that make your delivery standards better, your clients more satisfied and enable you to get the most value from every net new client you close.

Limiting Operating Expenses

What should your operating budget be and what do you have to add or subtract to get there?

We ensure that expenses are categorized correctly and that you know exactly what it takes to run your business at optimal profit margins

Our Leadership

The people behind ServiceCrowd


Kristin Anne Carideo

Co-Founder/Lead Consultant

Kristin has been working with and for marketing agencies since 2014. From 2014 - 2019, she grew the marketing operations services team for an independent B2B marketing agency (later acquired by Accenture) from 1 person to 100+ people with an annual departmental revenue of $17M and employees in multiple offices in the US, the UK and Singapore over the course of her 5 year tenure.

Immediately prior to co-founding ServiceCrowd, Kristin ran the revenue team at a marketing operations specialized agency, growing the annual revenue from $4M to $8M in less than 3 years.


Nate Smitha

Co-Founder/Lead Consultant

Nate has been an agency operational leader since 2015, specializing in B2B marketing operations services with a passion for leading service teams to deliver formative client experiences that better enable marketers to scale results.

He is passionate about creating the best possible conditions for agency team member growth and development, knowing that people must thrive to innovate and consistently deliver high quality services. Prior to co-founding ServiceCrowd, Nate ran the services team for a marketing operations specialized agency where he helped grow the team from 3 people to over 30.

Chat With Our Agency Profitability Experts

We're passionate about helping the very best agencies rise to the top. Let's start creating amazing client experiences so you can grow on your terms.

Answer a few quick questions and book time with one of our co-founders, who can help talk you through whatever the next steps are for your agency's journey.